RAISED AT FULL DRAW Age 12 – 17 Raised at Full Draw (RAFD) heading to Mecosta County, Michigan in 2021 and have been hosting camps at the same location since. Each of our RAFD camps are unique to the location where they are being taught. Haymarsh Hunt Club is our host location where we take advantage of over 1,000 acres of hunting preserve, which has been enjoyed by hunting enthusiasts since 1989. Haymarsh affords the campers a comfortable clubhouse as well as plenty of space to enjoy nature. Located 40 miles north of Grand Rapids, campers will learn everything from hunting techniques, bowhunter’s education, survival skills, and a whole lot more. The 3-d course consists of a minimum of 20 targets varying in species from bears to bulls, racoons to canine. The targets are strategically located to teach the best skill sets in hunting. Shooters will be faced with all sorts of situations, uphill, downhill, in cover and in the wide open, but always in an effective range for a quick clean shot. Michigan participants will leave camp with both their hunter education and bowhunter education certificates! For students to receive this certification they will need to comply with the states legal requirements; which is why its imperative to register prior to the specificed deadline. | Participants will be asked to turn in their cellphones and disconnect from their electronics. We continue to teach ethics and values of our heritage, raise and lower the flag each day and pray when we eat. Participants do not need their own bows and arrows! If they do not have archery equipment we provide it to them during camp, just let us know on the registration form. Participants will stay over night in their own tents and will need to bring their own sleeping gear (tents, sleeping bags etc). Just like archery equipment, if participants need assistance with tents please let us know. If you’re looking for the most hands-on and informative hunting camp you have ever imagined, you have come to the right place. Turning today’s youth into tomorrow’s future. Welcome to Raised at Full Draw. Register online by June 2nd. Registration is first come first served, based on the date of receipt. |